


Single Attempt Obstacle
  • Skills
  • Race Types
    Sprint / Super / Beast

Tips for the obstacle

    Key Exercises

      Pistol Squat
      Single Leg Balance

    Ways to Train

    • Find a local playground that contains a balance beam
    • Work on your overall strength and core to help you improve your balance and stability

    Official Rulebook Details

    • Navigate across the top of element without touching the ground.
    • Competitor must cross the end of the obstacle (past an invisible line formed by the end of each lane) before any part of the Competitor touches the ground within the obstacle area.
    • Touching the ground with any part of the body before passing the end of the obstacle.
    • Using any device to assist, such as trekking poles, branches, etc.
    • Competitor is considered committed to a lane once both feet touched the obstacle.
    • Competitor may make several attempts to get onto the obstacle, but once both feet have touched obstacle, Competitor may not start again.
    • As long as Competitor has not committed to a lane (i.e., touched the obstacle with both feet), they can select another lane.


    Videos and documents for reference